Helping prison communities

Helping prison communities

Our work doesn’t stop when we leave, we intend for it to have a lasting impact. For one group of people this rings particularly true. Through our work with prisons and their inmates we strive to help them not only on the prison grounds, but beyond. The benefits of horticulture are seen in people’s wellbeing and nutritional information will help them eat healthy balanced diets going forward.

A big part of our work, however, lies in the rehabilitation of the prisoners. Real rehabilitation is about coming to terms with the past whilst creating positive plans for the future, filled with new possibilities. We’ve found that people who find work upon being released rarely re-offend.

The longer we work in prisons, the more we recognise many of the prisoners were incarcerated at a point of profound crisis in their lives. Yes, there are some who may be serial offenders, but many are in for first-time offences and very keen to create, even re- invent, their lives upon release. We firmly believe anyone can make changes if given the right resources. By discussing their options, as we explore the virtues of growing fresh food and eating healthily, we build bridges of encouragement that may lead to refreshing new ideas. It’s planting seeds metaphorically, as well as literally.

Every prisoner who work with us consistently receives a Greener Growth Certificate of Attendance for each section of our courses. This is then added to their folder alongside our information and a testimonial, which will help them when they leave prison. The folder will be presented to them when they leave or move on and it will help them maintain contact with Greener Growth, if they choose to pass on the help they themselves received.

Our work with prisons covers the following:

  • Infrastructure and planting plan
  • Live willow courses
  • A master composter course
  • An orchard course, including pruning and grafting courses
  • Horticultural courses, specialising on growing food in small areas with low maintenance techniques
  • Animal husbandry courses, focusing on chickens and bees
  • Growing green courses, looking at conservation & bio-diversity enhancement
  • Food & nutrition courses, covering how to cook highly nutritious low-cost meals with the food you grow

If you feel inspired by some of the work we do, why not get involved? Here are some of the ways you can get help us. If you have other ideas, get in touch via our contact form.

Greener Growth CIC
Reg No. 8700499
21 Hill Street
SA61 1QQ
© 2025 Greener Growth CIC
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